Open for Fun and Learning - Hours of Operation
PrimeTime operates every regular school day.Parents/guardians may choose to have their child(ren) attend the before school and/or after school program.
Before School Zone
PrimeTime is available before school hours at most, but not all schools, and start times vary among schools.Before school programs operate for a minimum of 90 minutes.Students are expected to attend everyday for the full range of program hours.
After School Zone
PrimeTime begins operating after school is dismissed and remains open until at least 6 p.m. each day for a minimum of 15 hours per week. Students are expected to attend everyday for the full range of program hours.
Time to Learn and Have Fun - PrimeTime Design
The Learning Zone
PrimeTime offers 60-90 minutes of academic support to promote enthusiasm for learning and building skills in the areas of reading, math, writing, speech and science.School principals work closely with community partners and program leaders to identify credentialed teachers and to ensure that activities complement the regular school day curriculum.This is the key to providing a comprehensive learning experience for every student.
The Fun Zone
Students may participate in a variety of fun activities with their friends and peers including arts and crafts, learning how to play musical instruments, dance, writing and performing plays, athletics and educational games. PrimeTime provides a safe place on school campuses where students can strengthen academic skills and participate in age-appropriate activities while improving social skills.
Parents/Guardians Zoning In
To keep you informed, monthly newsletters and a calendar of activities and events are distributed and posted on the PrimeTime parent/guardian information board.
As a parent/guardian of a child enrolled in PrimeTime, we value your involvement. Any contribution of your ideas, time, talents and/or materials are not required, but greatly appreciated.
PrimeTime Needs You!
The PrimeTime Team is excited and dedicated to expanding opportunities and enriching the lives of our youth through quality programs. In partnership with San Diego County Office of Education and The Children's Initiative, we are committed to identifying additional resources and funding in an effort to offer PrimeTime to all elementary and middle schools in the "Zone."
San Diego Unified School District Extended Learning Opportunities Department
2441 Cardinal Lane. Bldg. A
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (858) 503-1870
Fax: (858) 496-1948